Your journey to sobriety starts here. We have many documents and literature to help.

CMA Literature

  • Crystal Clear - Stories of Hope

    “Crystal Clear – Stories of Hope” is a collection of personal stories of recovery from the members of the Twelve-Step fellowship Crystal Meth Anonymous (CMA). CMA is a fellowship of people for whom crystal meth has become a serious problem.

    Members of CMA describe their personal journeys getting clean and sober; their process of working the Twelve Steps; and offer their experience, strength and hope for those struggling with addiction to crystal meth.inks to amazon books go here.

  • Crystal Clear: Historias de esperanza (Spanish Edition)

    Adictos Anónimos a la Metanfetamina

  • Expressions of Hope: Crystal Meth Addicts in Recovery

    Expressions of Hope: Crystal Meth Addicts in Recovery

    Expressions of Hope is a collection of essays and stories by crystal meth addicts in recovery from the New York Crystal Meth Anonymous. The writers—many of whom are in early recovery—tell how they learned the skills and found the willingness to make the choices that have kept them sober. They share how they gained the courage to confront denial, victimization, powerlessness, fear of intimacy, feelings of isolation, and other challenges.

    Sharing this collective journey, we continue to get sober, one day at a time, one meeting at a time, one addict at a time. We have found a spiritual solution by working the Twelve Steps and carrying the message of recovery by helping the crystal meth addict who still suffers. Along the way, even in our darkest hours we can still find hope. Perhaps you may find some in these pages.

  • Voices of the Fellowship: Our Recovery

    Voices of the Fellowship: Our Recovery

    Crystal Meth Anonymous is pleased to offer a new collection of stories by a broad and diverse group of our fellows. Together they offer a powerful message that crystal meth addicts do recover and find a new way to live. In this book and online, just as in our meetings, we share our experience of finding recovery in our Twelve Step program and applying it in our lives